University of Hertfordshire 申請面談會
* 距離倫敦僅25分鐘火車程
* 擁有全英國最現代化圖書館
* 2003年斥資1.2億英鎊的新校區
2009年1月春季班 or 2009年9月秋季班申請
與英國學校代表 一對一面談機會
日期: 2008年11 月 3 日 (星期一)
時間: 下午5:00 – 8:00
地點: 忠孝東路四段148號12樓之1(捷運忠孝敦化站五號出口)
報名: 請洽Hertfordshire在台辦事處–迪恩斯留學遊學專門家
英國赫福德郡大學University of Hertfordshire始創於1952年。大學擁有最高比例的理工科學生,並與工業界有密切的聯繫,大學設8個學院,包括:藝術設計學院;工程信息學院;健康和人文科學學院;學科綜合研究學院;自然科學學院;商學院;法學院;人文、語言和教育學院,100多種專業,有預科課程,本科文憑,碩士和博士學位課程。
Hertfordshire University 赫福郡大學的地理位置是在倫敦北方,緊鄰英國的主要高速公路網。距倫敦僅25分鐘的火車程。其校有4個校區:Hatfield、 Herford、St. Albans及Watford。大學在4校區內提供巴士服務供學生使用。
赫福郡大學下設有8個學院: 藝術與設計、商學院、聯合與繼續學習、保健及人文科學、信息科學、工程、自然科學、 語言教育等。其中的環境工程在教學及評鑑上榮獲優。 赫福郡大學也設立兩門基礎課程,其為海外基礎課程及海外銜接課程。海外基礎課程針對海外高中學生想入大學而設。海外銜接課程則專薦研究生。
Hertfordshire大學的地理位置可以說是相當便利!位在Hatfield的Hertfordshire,鄰近英國三個國際機場,首先是英國第一大機場希斯羅,這也是歐洲最忙碌的機場之ㄧ,另外二個則分別是遊歷歐洲國家時必經過的 Luton及Stansted Airport,對於有計畫趁在較長假期到歐洲旅行的同學們十分的方便。
此地離倫敦也非常近,學校附近的公車站牌有Green Line797可以直達倫敦市中心的交通樞紐Victoria Station, 時間約為一個小時左右,而且只要注意好公車來到時間,再從宿舍出發到站牌,797是十分準時的喔!當然,火車也是拜訪倫敦的一個好方法,搭乘火車到倫敦的King''s Cross僅僅需二十分鐘。
Hertfordshire University 赫福郡大學有4個校區:Hatfield、 Herford、St. Albans及Watford。大學在4校區內提供巴士服務供學生使用。4校區設有圖書館、健身房、餐館、酒吧、體育館等。所有學生均有免費電子郵件地址、校園的計算機房通宵開放。Hatfield及Watford有設錄影指導輔導。學生會設施分佈在各個校園內。 學校福利設備包含保健中心、 托兒所、 諮詢中心、 國際學生事務中心等。
大學提供國際學生強大的支援與資訊網路,學生顧問、導師、神職人員、醫療中心、英語中心及國際辦公室密切合作以滿足國際學生的需求。國際學生在就學期間本校保證提供學校宿舍。住宿辦公室職員將會協助學生在本市找尋合適的家庭居住。學生活動中心十分活躍共有一百多個俱樂部與社團,國際學生協會提供 與其他國際學生見面及參與社交活動的好機會。
創意文化產業學院(原為藝術與設計) Faculty for the Creative and Cultural Industries (formerly Art & Design)
商學院The Business School
工程與資訊科學院Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences
衛生與人文科學Faculty of Health and Human Sciences
人文、法律和教育學院Humanities, Law and Education
跨學科研究Inter-disciplinary Studies
Master Taught Programs
Aerospace Engineering (MSc)
Automotive Engineering (MSc)
Engineering (EngD)
Manufacturing Management (MSc)
Manufacturing Systems Engineering (MSc)
Mechanical Engineering (MSc)
3D Modelling and Prototyping (MA)
Art Therapy (MA)
Business and Digital Skills for Artists and Designers (PgC)
Design (MA)
Design Studies (MA)
Fine and Applied Arts Practice (MA PgD PgC)
Graphic Communication (MA)
Accounting and Financial Management MA PgD PgC
Business Administration DBA
CIM Professional Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing
Decision Sciences MSc PgD PgC
Finance and Corporate Governance MSC PgD PgC
Finance and Investment Management MSc PgD PgC
Human Resource Management (CIPD Accredited) MA/PgD/PgC
Human Resource Management and Employment Relations MA PgD PgC
Information Systems MSc PgD PgC
International Business MSc PgD PgC
International Tourism and Hospitality Management MA/PgD/PgC
Management Science MSc PgD PgC
Management Studies MA PgD PgC
Marketing MA PgD PgC
Master of Business Administration MBA
Operational Research MSc PgD PgC
Organisational Change DMan MA
Strategic Marketing MSc
e-Business MSc PgD PgC
Artificial Intelligence with Robotics (MSc)
Business Computing (MSc)
Computer Networking Principles and Practice (MSc)
Computer Science (MSc)
Computer Science (Online) (MSc)
Distributed Data Management (MSc)
Distributed Systems and Networks (MSc)
Mobile Computing (MSc)
Multimedia Technology (MSc)
Secure Computing Systems (MSc)
Software Engineering (MSc)
Doctorate in Education (EdD)
Education (MA/MEd)
Education of Deaf Children (PgD PgC)
Personal, Professional and Work-related Learning (MA PgD PgC)
Post 16 Education and Training (MA)
Primary (Flexible Route) (PGCE)
Primary Education (PGCE)
Secondary (PGCE)
Advanced Digital Systems (MSc)
Data Communications and Networks (MSc)
Embedded Intelligent Systems (MSc)
Optical Communication Systems and Networks (MSc)
Radio and Mobile Communication Systems (MSc)
3D Digital Animation (MA)
Film and Television Directing (MA)
Film and Television Producing (MA)
Film and Television Screenwriting (MA)
Hyperfictions (MA)
Interactive Broadcast Media (MA)
Model Design and Model Effects (MA)
Modelling and Animation (MA)
Music Composition and Technology (MSc)
Music Composition for Media (MSc)
Music Technology (PgC)
Medical Imaging and Radiation Science - Diagnostic Ultrasound (MSc PgD PgC)
Medical Imaging and Radiation Science - Image Interpretation (MSc PgD PgC)
Medical Imaging and Radiation Science - Oncological Science (MSc PgD PgC)
Medical Imaging and Radiation Science: Diagnostic Imaging (MSc PgD PgC)
Patient Assessment and Management (PgC)
Physician Assistant Studies (MSc PgD)
Physiotherapy (MSc PgD PgC)
History: Communities and Cultures 1660-2000 (MA PgD PgC)
Modern Literary Cultures (MA PgD PgC)
Philosophy - Narrative, Enactivism and Embodiment (MA PgD PgC)
Commercial Law LLM
Commercial Law and Maritime Law LLM
Commercial and e-Commerce Law LLM
Common Professional Examination PgD
International Law LLM
International and Commercial Law LLM
International and Maritime Law LLM
Law Society''s Legal Practice Course PgD
Maritime Law LLM
e-Commerce Law LLM
e-Commerce Law and International Law LLM
e-commerce and Maritime Law LLM
Bioinformatics MSc
Biotechnology MSc
Environmental Management MSc PgD PgC
Molecular Biology MSc
Pharmacology MSc
Pharmacovigilance MSc PgD PgC
Public Health Science of Food and Drinking Water MSc PgD PgC
Msc Family Health
Medical Imaging and Radiation Science - Diagnostic Ultrasound (MSc PgD PgC)
Medical Imaging and Radiation Science - Image Interpretation (MSc PgD PgC)
Medical Imaging and Radiation Science - Oncological Science (MSc PgD PgC)
Medical Imaging and Radiation Science: Diagnostic Imaging (MSc PgD PgC)
Patient Assessment and Management (PgC)
Physician Assistant Studies (MSc PgD)
Physiotherapy (MSc PgD PgC)
Advancing Pharmacy Practice (MSc/PgC/PgD)
Clinical Psychology Doctorate (DClinPsy)
Occupational Psychology, Organisational Psychology MSc
Psychology Conversion Course PgD/MSc
Research Methods in Cognitive Neuropsychology (MSc)
Research Methods in Psychology MSc
MA/PgD Contemporary Therapeutic Counselling
MSc Applied Criminology
MSc Social Work