今年University of Newcastle (紐卡索大學,又稱新堡大學)提供了100個獎學金名額給國際英國留學生,金額由1500鎊~3000鎊不等。歡迎有申請紐卡索大學的準英國留學生們踴躍申請。
1. 已獲得紐卡索大學碩士班入學許可。
2. 申請課程必須是紐卡索大學研究所課程。
3. 申請者所需給付學費需是海外學費,且無獲得其他獎學金。
4. 申請者的課程年度為2009-2010。
5. 申請者所要就讀的課程尚未開課。
♦ 申請者必須在期限內提出申請。
♦ 完成電子檔申請表格,並以電子郵件寄至 [email protected] 或 [email protected]。
♦ 申請表格請上網下載或向迪恩斯索取([email protected])。
♦ 請勿寄送紙本申請文件來申請此獎學金。
Newcastle University International Postgraduate Scholarship (NUIPS)
Provided by: Newcastle University
Newcastle University is delighted to announce over 100 new Newcastle University International Postgraduate Scholarship (NUIPS) awards. These are available for international students starting their studies in September 2009, in the 2009-10 academic year. Each scholarship will have a value of £1,500 per year, payable towards tuition fees in the first instance. In very exceptional circumstances, the value of the NUIPS may be increased to £3,000 per year at the discretion of the International Scholarships Committee.
You could be eligible to apply for a NUIPS award if:
• you have been offered a place on any postgraduate degree programme
• you have been assessed as international/overseas for fees purposes, and are wholly or partially self-financing
• you intend to register to start your studies during the 2009-10 academic year.
• Applications for a NUIPS award cannot be made for a course that has already been started by a student.
How to apply
You must have already applied for and been offered a place to study at Newcastle University before you apply for a Newcastle University International Postgraduate Scholarship (NUIPS).
Please complete the application form electronically and in accordance with the NUIPS regulations, which are provided at the end of the application form. Applications must be submitted electronically via the email address provided below. Unfortunately paper copies cannot be accepted. If you experience problems with the application form, please contact Financial Support who can e-mail a copy of the form and the regulations to you.
The first closing date is 27 February 2009 and the second and final closing date is 22 May 2009. Applications will be considered after the closing date and candidates will be notified in late April/early May and late July/early August whether their application has been successful.