美國留學 - 小心您的申請文件 - 抄襲別人申請文件的下場

2011年02月01日賓州州立大學學務審查主任(Carrie Marcinkevage)分享一件2009年申請請美國留學的驚人大事~針對申請賓州州立大學(Pennsylvania State University)共有約360位申請者的文件有問題,而且,共有29位申請者被列入黑名單,且通知所有美國學校拒絕通知與其原因。

And these students, 29 cases, have put ban list all universities in united states ..... Continous sentences.....


而且,於2010年度(2011年美國留學入學申請者)已經有超過數十多所大學開始使用【抄襲檢測軟體】(已使用的學校名單現尚為匿名),來查看每位美國留學生的申請文件,只要特定文章出現或是特別文句出現,則系統就會出現警訊,而這個步驟還是在審件者看過之前就開始的程序,因此,迪恩斯美國留學顧問在此特別提醒每位即將於未來申請美國留學二級大學(Tier 2)~不論申請美國大學或是申請美國碩士~都不要再看別人的文件,或是使用網路上的分享文章,更進而使用網路上的文章。

每位申請者都有其特別優點與長處,千萬不要截取別人的部份文章,因為,那不僅害了別人,更會害了自己。再者,申請美國留學名校(Tier 1)更要【躍然於紙上,並炫目審件者~"Jumps out of pages, and dazzles the AdCom in every ways."】也因此,更是要找一個專業留學代辦,來協助這重要的留學美國申請文件。





True Story from Pennsylvania State University''s Smeal College of Business

Admissions Director Carrie Marcinkevage was sitting in her office reviewing business school application essays last February (2010) when she stumbled on a sentence that bore an uncanny resemblance to an essay she had just finished reading. The essay, one of five required in the application, asked students to discuss the connections between principled leadership and business.

"I had that inevitable moment of ''Oh gosh, I swear I have seen this sentence before,'' " says Marcinkevage, who heads the MBA admissions office at Pennsylvania State University''s Smeal College of Business (Smeal Full-Time MBA Profile).

She pulled out the essay where she remembered seeing the phrase and compared the two side by side. To her dismay, she discovered both applicants had used the exact same sentence.

The problem soon proved to be bigger than Marcinkevage could ever have anticipated. Over the next few days, she and her admissions staff combed through 360 pending applications submitted for Smeal''s 2010 admissions cycle, even reviewing those submitted by applicants who had already been admitted or invited to the school for an interview.

They uncovered 29 cases of students who had lifted entire sentences or paragraphs from online sources, including a 2009 essay titled "Principled Leaders: A Model for the ''Reset'' Economy," by Deborah Merrill-Sands, then dean of Simmons School of Management (Simmons Full-Time MBA Profile) in Boston. The case was even more surprising because all applicants to Smeal are asked to sign an honor code before submitting the application. Said Marcinkevage: "It was the perfect storm of plagiarism."

For Smeal''s Marcinkevage, the widespread problem she uncovered during the application process last year has served as a call to action. She is working to curb plagiarism not just at her school but at business schools across the country, she says.

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Call to Action

Smeal declined to give out the names or contact information of the applicants who were involved in the plagiarism scandal, citing confidentiality concerns. And these students, 29 cases, have put ban on all universities in united states.

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Plagiarism Detection

For the past decade or so, universities have taken a more aggressive stand on cheating in the classroom, using plagiarism-detection software on student research papers, opening up state-of-the-art testing centers designed to prevent cheating, and implementing honor codes. But up until now, little attention has been paid in the academic world to plagiarism in admissions essays, and few tools are available to admissions officers to help them uncover students who use fraudulent content in applications.

That could soon change, as companies like iParadigms, which created the website Turnitin.com to check student research papers for plagiarism, now turn their attention to the admissions realm. In December 2009, iParadigms launched a Turnitin for Admissions service, a software application that scans essays, personal statements, and scholarship essays for evidence of plagiarism. Penn State''s Smeal is the first business school to publicly announce it''s using the service, and Marcinkevage says she is hoping she''ll be able to convince more B-schools to sign on in the coming year.

About 100 universities use the Turnitin admissions service, but dozens more may follow suit in the coming year as awareness of the problem continues to grow, says Jeff Lorton, the product and business development manager at iParadigms. Lorton declined to name the other institutions that are using the service. "We''re working with hundreds of schools right now interested in getting this into their admissions office," Lorton says.

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