
2011 University of Kent 面談會

名額有限 完全免費

1. Mrs Joanne Ganderton-Smith - Director of International Office
2. Lynne Hoenes - Senior International Support Officer
3. Angus Pryor - Director of Fine Art


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現場面談會  地點&時間日期: 2011 年 3 月 7 日 (星期一)
時間: 18:00-20:00
地點: 忠孝東路四段148號10樓之2(捷運忠孝敦化站五號出口)
報名: 請洽迪恩斯英國留學專門家



TEL: 02-87719141 
Fax: 02-87717883
E-mail: [email protected]

活動網址: www.dns-edu.com

更多University of Kent介紹:

2011 University of Kent 整體排名 overall ranking - No. 39
2011 University of Kent 商管排名 business ranking - No. 25

肯特大學(University of Kent),原名為坎特伯雷肯特大學(University of Kent at Canterbury),正式名稱於2003年已正名為肯特大學。目前全校學生人數約12,000人,國際學生約為總人數的10%,來自120個不同的國家。學校共有四個學院,三個不同領域的系所與十八個學系,開設約 120個研究所課程。四個學院均以英國的著名人物命名-Darwin,Eliot,Keynes,以及Rutherford。每位學生與教職員無論是否居住在校園內,均直屬各自的學院管轄。

在這反映了當時校址的所在地橫跨了兩個行政區─坎特伯雷和肯特郡。在當時,學校以其所在地來命名是相當正常的做法,但一個校園分跨兩個行政區屬極少發生的案例。校名反映了它受到兩方政府與議會的支持,此校名後來變的不合時宜的原因是地方政府在70年代的改革導致了坎特伯雷的郡行政區地位已不復存在。1990年代和2000年代的校園已經擴大,現在已在Medway、Tonbridge、布魯塞爾設立校區,並和坎特伯雷學院Canterbury College、南方肯特學院South Kent College、中肯特大學Mid-Kent College。

肯特大學(University of Kent)布魯塞爾校區在1998年完工,提供國際關係與國際法的研究所課程,提供英國留學學生海外實習的機會。本校區的師資,是與比利時當地的大學合作,聘請具有國際聲譽的教授授課。校園內具備圖書館、電腦中心、健康診所、運動及育樂中心等基本設施。



郡內有兩座城市:坎特伯里和羅徹斯特。不過1998年當地政府重新組織時羅徹斯特喪失了其城市的地位。坎特伯里是一個氣氛友善、熱情的小型中古世紀城市,數百年來一直是肯特郡(位於英格蘭東南方)的商業和文化中心,亦是中世紀英國國教的聖地。本市距離倫敦和歐洲大陸都很近,搭乘渡船或火車直達法國只需一個多小時,與到倫敦的車程一樣時間。英吉利海峽上的港口多佛(Dover)和福克斯頓(Folkstone)以及連接英、法兩國的海底隧道(Channel Tunnel)距本大學只有30分鐘車程。漫步於坎特伯里的古老街道和散步道上,到處可見琳瑯滿目的手工藝品店、舊書店、英國傳統酒館以及餐館,市區內也有現代化的購物商店街。座落於市中心的坎特伯里大教堂是歷史上著名的大教堂之一,也是本校舉行畢業典禮頒發證書的地點。




課程介紹 :人文科學學院 - Faculty of Humanities
American Studies MA 
School of European Culture and Language
Applied Language Studies MA 
European and Comparative Literary Cultural Studies MA
French and Comparative Literary Cultural Studies MA
Spanish and Comparative Literary Cultural Studies MA
Modern French Studies MA
Modern Spanish Studies MA
Philosophy MA
Applied Theology MA
Study of Mysticism and Religious Experience MA
School of Drama, Film and Visual Arts
Film Studies MA
School of English
English MA
American Literary Nationalism MA
Dickens and Victorian Culture MA
Modern Poetry MA
Postcolonial Studies MA
School of History
Propaganda, Persuasion and History MA
Canterbury Centre for Medieval and Tudor Studies
Medieval and Tudor Studies MA
自然科學,技術及醫學研究學院 - Faculty of Science, Technology and Medical Studies
Institute of Mathematics and Statistics
Actuarial Science1 MSc/PgDip
Statistics MSc/PgDip
School of Physical Science
Chemistry MSc/PgDip
Computing Laboratory MSc/PgDip
Computing Science (Conversion) MSc/PgDip
Distributed Systems and Networks MSc/PgDip
Management Science with computing MSc/PgDip
Department of electronics
Broadband and Mobile Communication Networks MSc/PgDip
Institute of Medicine and Health Science
Psychotherapy Studies PgDip
社會科學學院 - Faculty of Social Science
Department of Anthropology
Anthropology of Ethnicity, Nationalism and Identity MSc/PgDip
Environmental Anthropology MA/MSc/PgDip
Ethnobotany MSc
Social Anthropology MA/PgDip
Social Anthropology and Computing MA/PgDip
Visual Anthropology MA
Canterbury Business School
Business Administration MBA
Business Administration (Public Sector) MBA
Business Administration (E-business) MBA
E-Commerce MA
Management Science MSc
Management Science with Computing MSc
Management Studies and Business English PgDip
Community Care
Analysis and Intervention in Learning Disabilities MSc
Institute of Conservation and Ecology
Conservation Biology MSc
Ethnobotany MSc
Tourism and conservation MSc
Department of Economics
Economics MA
International Finance and Economic Development MA
School of Social Policy, Sociology and Social Research
Environmental Social Science MSc
Kent Law School
Criminal Justice LLM/PgDip
Environmental Law and Policy LLM/PgDip
European Law LLM
International Commercial Law LLM
International Law with International Relations LLM
Medical Law LLM/PgDip
Department of Politics and International Relations
European Integration MA
Human Rights, Ethics and International Relations MA
International Conflict Analysis MA
International Law and International Relations MA
International Relations MA
International Relations and European Studies MA
Politics and Democracy Studies MA
Department of Psychology
Cognitive Psychology/Neuropsychology MSc
Forensic Psychology MSc
Group Process and Intergroup Relations MSc
Health Psychology MSc
Social and Applied Psychology MSc
School of Social Policy, Sociology and Social Research
Health Studies MA
School of Social Policy, Sociology and Social Research Centre for Women's Studies
Women's Studies MA