倫敦大學教育研究院 (Institute of Education, University of London, 簡稱: IOE ,UOL)
• 擁有百年歷史和享譽國際的學術傳統
• 2008年英國高等教育研究評鑒名列全英教育領域第一
• 2008年英國高等教育研究評鑒排名進入前十名的研究型大學
• 2008年學生滿意度調查名列全英前20名
• 在社會科學領域比其他英國大學獲得更多的政府研究基金
• 教育及相關領域研究生課程廣泛、豐富、非常具有競爭力
• 擁有英國教育領域最大的博士生學院
• IOE是有志于致力教育和社科領域的國際研究生最認可的英國大學
Scholarships for 2011
Visit our scholarships section of the IOE website at www.ioe.ac.uk/studentInformation/14510.html for updated information on our 2011/12 scholarships available this coming academic year.
Masters scholarships: The IOE is offering three Centenary Taught Masters Scholarships. The scholarships cover the cost of tuition fees and provide a bursary for living expenses for one academic year. Applicants need to be a non-EU national who have not previously studied or resided for more than one year in the UK; and must also meet the entry requirements to study a masters programme at the IOE. For further information on our masters scholarships, including how to make an application, please go to www.ioe.ac.uk/studentInformation/41455.html
Research scholarships: The IOE is offering two Centenary Scholarships for self-financing, international students who are classified as overseas for fee purposes. The scholarships, which cover tuition fee and living expenses, are awarded on the basis of academic merit. Subject to satisfactory academic progress, they are tenable for the standard duration of a student''s programme of study. These scholarships are not open to students currently registered on a research degree programme at the IOE. For further information on research scholarships, including who can apply and how to apply, please go to www.ioe.ac.uk/studentInformation/41456.html
Please note the deadline for IOE scholarship applications is 16 May 2011.
• 擁有百年歷史和享譽國際的學術傳統
• 2008年英國高等教育研究評鑒名列全英教育領域第一
• 2008年英國高等教育研究評鑒排名進入前十名的研究型大學
• 2008年學生滿意度調查名列全英前20名
• 在社會科學領域比其他英國大學獲得更多的政府研究基金
• 教育及相關領域研究生課程廣泛、豐富、非常具有競爭力
• 擁有英國教育領域最大的博士生學院
• IOE是有志于致力教育和社科領域的國際研究生最認可的英國大學
Scholarships for 2011
Visit our scholarships section of the IOE website at www.ioe.ac.uk/studentInformation/14510.html for updated information on our 2011/12 scholarships available this coming academic year.
Masters scholarships: The IOE is offering three Centenary Taught Masters Scholarships. The scholarships cover the cost of tuition fees and provide a bursary for living expenses for one academic year. Applicants need to be a non-EU national who have not previously studied or resided for more than one year in the UK; and must also meet the entry requirements to study a masters programme at the IOE. For further information on our masters scholarships, including how to make an application, please go to www.ioe.ac.uk/studentInformation/41455.html
Research scholarships: The IOE is offering two Centenary Scholarships for self-financing, international students who are classified as overseas for fee purposes. The scholarships, which cover tuition fee and living expenses, are awarded on the basis of academic merit. Subject to satisfactory academic progress, they are tenable for the standard duration of a student''s programme of study. These scholarships are not open to students currently registered on a research degree programme at the IOE. For further information on research scholarships, including who can apply and how to apply, please go to www.ioe.ac.uk/studentInformation/41456.html
Please note the deadline for IOE scholarship applications is 16 May 2011.