東安格利亞大學(University of East Anglia,簡稱:UEA)國際學生招生處處長於2012年四月三日來信,說明2012年東安格利亞大學諾里奇商學院(Norwich Business School)除了2013年一月份開課之企業管理碩士(Master of Business Administration,簡稱:MBA)及2012年九月開課之品牌領導碩士(MSc Brand Leadership)還有位置,其餘九月份之商學課程均已額滿。
然而針對東安格利亞大學倫敦校區(University of East Anglia-LONDON,簡稱:UEA-London)還有部分位置,因此,想於2012年去英國留學的學生要趕快把握申請機會。
諮詢信箱:[email protected]
諮詢顧問:Kini Chang 張顧問
Dear Prospective student,
This is just a courtesy email to inform you that, due to our collaborative hard work in promoting the University of East Anglia, the Norwich Business School is currently closed to new applicants for the postgraduate masters courses at our Norwich campus, except for the MSc Brand Leadership and MBA (January start) courses.
Fortunately UEA London is still currently accepting business applicants and so any applicants applying for a course at Norwich will automatically be considered for an alternative course at UEA London.
If students are qualified for the School of Economics courses at UEA (see www.uea.ac.uk/eco for entry requirement details) these are still currently open as well.
Our MA Media, Culture and Society course is also closed to new applicants well as the MA Film, TV and Creative Practice course.
All applications that have been submitted to us before today will be processed as usual.
As a reminder please ensure that all applications are submitted via our online form at www.uea.ac.uk/study/postgraduate/apply please do not continue to submit email applications.
Kind Regards,
University of East Anglia (UEA)
International Office
Norwich Research Park
Norwich, UK, NR4 7TJ
Tel: +44(0)1603-592212
Top 10 for student satisfaction every year since the National Student Survey began
3rd in the Times Higher Education Student Experience Survey 2011
World top 150, European top 100, UK top 20 (Guardian League Table 2012)