此獎學金是紀念南安普頓大學(University of Southampton)成為大學體系之60週年的特別獎學金,亦是針對音樂系之英國留學生而設立, 而江同學之音樂作品集亦打敗所有今年申請南安普頓大學的其他國際學生(2012/2013 Postgraduate Admission)獲得此項殊榮。
I am pleased that I can offer you a ''60th Anniversary Scholarship'' (Southampton became a university 60 years ago!) in the amount of £5000 (five thousand pounds)for the academic year 2012/2013.
The Anniversary Scholarships are very prestigious awards—we are offering one to you in recognition of your accomplishments thus far and your promise for the future.
Director of International Programmes
Department of Music
Faculty of Humanities
University of Southampton
英國古典樂曲大師(John Taverner)亦為現任南安普頓大學(University of Southampton)之專任教授。
現任柏林愛樂交響樂團首席指揮(Sir Simon Rattle)亦是伯明罕交響音樂學院Birmingham City University - Birmingham Conservatoire)著名校友之一。
江同學獲得伯明罕城市大學之伯明罕交響音樂學院(Birmingham City University - Birmingham Conservatoire)獎學金六千英鎊。
江同學獲得皇家音樂學院(Royal College of Music)之入學許可及其他四間學校之入學許可。
此獎學金是紀念南安普頓大學(University of Southampton)成為大學體系之60週年的特別獎學金,亦是針對音樂系之英國留學生而設立, 而江同學之音樂作品集亦打敗所有今年申請南安普頓大學的其他國際學生(2012/2013 Postgraduate Admission)獲得此項殊榮。
I am pleased that I can offer you a ''60th Anniversary Scholarship'' (Southampton became a university 60 years ago!) in the amount of £5000 (five thousand pounds)for the academic year 2012/2013.
The Anniversary Scholarships are very prestigious awards—we are offering one to you in recognition of your accomplishments thus far and your promise for the future.
Director of International Programmes
Department of Music
Faculty of Humanities
University of Southampton
英國古典樂曲大師(John Taverner)亦為現任南安普頓大學(University of Southampton)之專任教授。
現任柏林愛樂交響樂團首席指揮(Sir Simon Rattle)亦是伯明罕交響音樂學院Birmingham City University - Birmingham Conservatoire)著名校友之一。
江同學獲得伯明罕城市大學之伯明罕交響音樂學院(Birmingham City University - Birmingham Conservatoire)獎學金六千英鎊。
江同學獲得皇家音樂學院(Royal College of Music)之入學許可及其他四間學校之入學許可。