2012年5月,回到母校諾桑比亞大學(Northumbria University)訪問稿
當我們與Jonathan Ive一起走過在倫敦Covent Garden的Apple Store時,只有一個人多看了他一眼。這個人是Apple Store工作人員的其中之一,而前來的顧客們顯然無視了這位負責設計這些電腦、iPad、iPhone與iPod的人,讚賞著整間店內的商品,並且觸 摸、把玩著它們。
Ive,這位語調輕柔、體貼周到的英國人,自從1992年就開始在加州的Apple工作,並在1997年開始主導著Apple的設計。這也許也讓他 成為了世界上最有影響力的設計師。藉由創作出iPod,他發表了一個將音樂產業大幅改變了的產品,就如同iPhone改變了行動電話產業。而由他的團隊所 創造的最新產品──iPad,則替一個全新類型的電腦立下了標準。
“People’s interest is in the product, not in its authorship.”
“All I’ve ever wanted to do is design and make; it’s what I love doing. It’s great if you can find what you love to do. Finding it is one thing but then to be able to practise that and be preoccupied with that is another. I’m very aware of an incredible tradition in the UK of designing and making, and so to be recognised in this way is really wonderful.”
“My father was a very good craftsman. He made furniture, he made silverware and he had an incredible gift in terms of how you can make something yourself.”
“We do it because we think it’s right.”
“Growing up, I enjoyed drawing but it was always in the service of an idea. I drew all the time and I enjoyed making.”
Ive也曾經在Newcastle Polytechnic,也就是現在的Northumbria University學習設計。直至今日,他仍然經常回到學校演講。
“One of the things that was interesting about my time at the school of art and design is that you were in very close proximity to graphic designers, fashion designers and fine art students. That’s one of the things that really characterised my time at college and I think it characterises a lot of the energy and vitality in London, this density of such creative diversity.”
Jonathan Ive and iMac G4
“I suddenly realised that it wasn’t me at all. The computers that I had been expected to use were absolutely dreadful.”
這段經驗,讓Ive開始對Apple以及這間公司背後的人們產生了好奇心。隨後,在由他與其他人所創立的設計公司Tangerine中,他開始為 Apple提供顧問服務。在二十年前,他搬到了加州,並且全職加入了Apple。儘管如此,Ive說他自己絕對是「純正英式設計教育下的產品」。
“Even in high school I was keenly aware of this remarkable tradition that the UK had of designing and making. It’s important to remember that Britain was the first country to industrialise, so I think there’s a strong argument to say this is where my profession was founded.”
距離Ive與他的英籍妻子Heather,以及兩個孩子在舊金山所生活的房子的一段短短的車程距離,是Ive在Apple Cupertion總部的設計工作室。這間工作室,一直籠罩著許多秘密。在這間只有小小窗戶的工作室中,擠滿了各種設計與製作各種Apple產品原型用的 機器,並且只有經過挑選的員工才得以進入。
這位光頭、滿身肌肉的設計師,也許會讓你覺得有著粗暴、堅韌的性格。Apple向來被視為是具有挑戰性的工作場所,在Walter Isaacson 所撰寫的Steve Jobs傳記中,也敘述了員工由於爭吵而傷心流淚的景象。
不過,Ive顯然是個相當溫和的人。在我詢問他問題後,他會有一段長時間的暫停,直到他考慮好他的回答,並且組織好他的想法。當他談到他在 Apple的工作時,他也幾乎都是說著「我們」而不是「我」。他不斷地強調著團隊合作在創作產品中的重要性,例如讓Apple重回成功之路的糖果色電腦 ──iMac,或是重新定義了人們如何使用電腦的平板──iPad。某些詞彙也一次又一次地出現,尤其是「simplicity(簡化)」與 「focus(專注)」。
“We try to develop products that seem somehow inevitable. That leave you with the sense that that’s the only possible solution that makes sense. Our products are tools and we don’t want design to get in the way. We’re trying to bring simplicity and clarity, we’re trying to order the products.
“I think subconsciously people are remarkably discerning. I think that they can sense care.”
「我想在潛意識裡,每個人都非常地挑剔。我覺得他們可以感覺到其中含有的關懷。 」
“One of the concerns was that there would somehow be, inherent with mass production and industrialisation, a godlessness and a lack of care.”
“I think it’s a wonderful view that care was important – but I think you can make a one-off and not care and you can make a million of something and care. Whether you really care or not is not driven by how many of the products you’re going to make.”
“We’re keenly aware that when we develop and make something and bring it to market that it really does speak to a set of values. And what preoccupies us is that sense of care, and what our products will not speak to is a schedule, what our products will not speak to is trying to respond to some corporate or competitive agenda. We’re very genuinely designing the best products that we can for people.”
我們清楚地認識到,當我們開發某些東西,並且將其量產並帶到市場上時,的確也傳達了一系列的價值觀。而讓我們專注其中的,是關懷的概念。我們的產品 不會傳達固定的時間排程,也不會試著去回應某些企業或是競爭者的步調。我們非常真誠地,盡我們所能地設計出最好的產品,來獻給人們。」
Original iPod (2001) & iPod Classic (Late 2009)
“It’s a really tough one. A lot does seem to come back to the fact that what we’re working on now feels like the most important and the best work we’ve done, and so it would be what we’re working on right now, which of course I can’t tell you about.”
Simplicity isn’t simple
Original iPhone (2007) & iPhone 4S (2011)
"Design is a word that’s come to mean so much that it’s also a word that has come to mean nothing. We don’t really talk about design, we talk about developing ideas and making products,"
Jonathan Ive,這位倫敦出生的Apple設計主導人如此地敘述著。
iMac,這台他在1998年所設計的電腦,徹底改變了Apple。在當時,Apple幾乎已經瀕臨破產的邊緣。在2001年,iPod更進一步 地改變了唱片產業。當iPhone在2007年推出時,也將相同的效應帶到了行動電話產業中。而iPad,這台在2010年推出的平板電腦,更開闢出了一 條全新的電腦運算形式。
這一切,似乎讓人很難不去高估Jonathan Ive的影響力。
"Designing and developing anything of consequence is incredibly challenging, Our goal is to try to bring a calm and simplicity to what are incredibly complex problems so that you’re not aware really of the solution, you’re not aware of how hard the problem was that was eventually solved."
"Simplicity is not the absence of clutter, that’s a consequence of simplicity. Simplicity is somehow essentially describing the purpose and place of an object and product. The absence of clutter is just a clutter-free product. That’s not simple.
The quest for simplicity has to pervade every part of the process. It really is fundamental."
這種在硬體上的簡化,並不總是與軟體相吻合,從iOS──這個iPad、iPhone與iPod touch的作業系統開始,已經呈現出被稱為「skeuomorphism」的這種在新設計中保留舊設計外觀特徵的趨勢。
iCal, OS X Lion
"My focus is very much working with the other teams on the product ideas and then developing the hardware and so that’s our focus and that’s our responsibility. In terms of those elements you’re talking about, I’m not really connected to that."
"If you step back and you think about it in a very objective way, it is a remarkable thing that as we sit here right now, there’s not an idea. It just does not exist.
And you can have this barely formed thought and then suddenly something does actually exist. Then that thought that is so tentative and so fragile normally becomes a tentative discussion and you’re trying to bring body to the thought with words. Generally what happens is that’s a conversation between a couple of people and is exclusive.
And then you start to draw to try to describe and develop this fragile idea. Then a remarkable thing happens at the time you make the first object, the time that you actually give form and dimension to the idea. In the whole process, that’s the one point where the transition is the most dramatic and suddenly you can involve multiple people. It brings focus and it can galvanise a group of people, which is enormously powerful."
你開始繪圖,試著描述並且發展這個脆弱的概念。隨後,驚人的事情就在你做出第一個實際的物件後發生了。在此時,你讓這個概念有了實際的外形與尺 寸。 在整個過程中,這個時間點的轉變是最戲劇化、最突然、並且可以將許多人捲入其中。它帶來了焦點,並且可以激勵一群人們,這真的非常地強大。」
在發展一個概念時,Ive與他的團隊為了解決任何他們當時所碰到的問題,經常會竭盡全力,研究新的材料、創造出全新的流程、或是向其他產業的專家們 求教。例如,在研發初代iMac時,Ive與他的團隊與糖果產業的人們交流,談論在生產糖果色的半透明電腦外殼時,該如何保持一致的透明度。
iMac(Bondi Blue), 1998
而Ive在追求設計上的完美時所沒有做的,是到日本去觀看武士刀的製作流程。在網路上流傳的一則故事,敘述了當Ive看到武士刀的製作流程時,得到了iPad 2設計的部分靈感。不過Ive說這件事並沒有發生過。
"Sometimes we’re very close to a problem and we’re investing incredible resources and time trying to resolve the smallest detail that is way beyond any sense of functional imperative… and we do it because we think it’s right.
It’s the ‘finishing the back of the drawer’ – you can argue that people will never see it and it’s very hard to, in any rational sense, describe why it’s important but it just seems important. It’s a way that you demonstrate that you care for the people that you are making these products for. I think we see ourselves as having a civic responsibility to do that. It’s important. It’s right. It’s very hard to explain why."
這就是「將抽屜的背面修整到完美」。你可能會說,人們永遠不會看見背面,並且在任何合乎常理的感覺之下,也非常難以描述這為何是重要的。不過,這看 來似乎就是件重要的事。這就是證明你關心著那些人,為了他們而製作這些產品的方式。我們覺得我們顯然有責任來做到這一點。這很重要,而且也是正確的,不過 同時也非常難解釋為何我們決定如此做的原因。」
MacBook Air (11-inch, Late 2010)
他們的確有不成功的產品,例如在2000年發表的PowerMac G4 Cube,設計很醒目,不過並沒有暢銷。或是Apple TV,自從2007年發表後,依舊還是Apple的一項「興趣」。不過根據Ive的敘述,Apple的失敗大部分都還是深深地藏在幕後。
"For a large percentage of a program, it often is not clear whether we are actually going to be able to solve the problems. For a significant percentage of the time we don’t know whether we are going to have to give up on an idea or not. And that’s been the case whether it’s the iPod, the iPhone or the iPad.
And there have been times when we’ve been working on a program and when we are at a very mature stage and we do have solutions and you have that sinking feeling because you’re trying to articulate the values to yourself and to others just a little bit too loudly. And you have that sinking feeling that the fact that you are having to articulate the value and persuade other people is probably indicative of the fact that actually it’s not good enough. On a number of occasions we’ve actually all been honest with ourselves and said ‘you know, this isn’t good enough, we need to stop’. And that’s very difficult."
在過去的許多時候,當我們正在進行一項專案,並且已經進展到非常成熟的階段,也的確有了解決方案時。你會覺得情緒有些低落,因為你正試著用有點大聲 的聲音,來向自己以及其他人闡明你的價值觀。同時也覺會得,實際上之所以需要闡明自己的價值觀,並且去說服其他人,這也正是證明了這還不夠好的證據。在許 多時候,我們必須對自己完全坦承,並說:『你知道的,這還不夠好,我們需要停下來。』不過要做到這點,是非常困難的。」
"As we’re sitting together to develop a product you would struggle to identify who the electrical engineer was, who’s the mechanical engineer, who’s the industrial designer."
"One of the things that is particularly precious about working at Apple is that many of us on the design team have worked together for 15-plus years and there’s a wonderful thing about learning as a group. A fundamental part of that is making mistakes together. There’s no learning without trying lots of ideas and failing lots of times."
Jonathan Ive & Steve Jobs
去年對Apple來說,是變化非常大的一年。新任的CEO,Time Cook在Apple的前CEO與共同創辦人Steve Jobs逝世前幾個月接手了公司。而Jobs的離去,也讓一些分析師開始預測Apple必然會開始走下坡。
"We’re developing products in exactly the same way that we were two years ago, five years ago, ten years ago. It’s not that there are a few of us working in the same way: there is a large group of us working in the same way."
「我們依然用著與兩年前、五年前、甚至是與十年以前完全相同的方式在開發產品。我並不是說只有少數的人,而是有大批的團隊,使用著與過去相同的方式在運作著。 」
"We have become rather addicted to learning as a group of people and trying to solve very difficult problems as a team. And we get enormous satisfaction from doing that. Particularly when you’re sat on a plane and it appears that the majority of people are using something that you’ve collectively agonised over. It’s a wonderful reward."