美國留學代辦申請截止日期 紐約大學 NYU 哥倫比亞大學
由於先前的颶風珊迪(Hurricane Sandy)影響造成很多的美國留學申請進度大改,因此,迪恩斯美國留學專門家顧問群特將學生申請學校與有興趣的學校列出來,讓準留學美國學生能做出相對的反應與加緊腳步完成美國留學申請流程。然而,迪恩斯美國留學專門家顧問群還是建議各位同學還是要跟您的申請學校做最後的確認。
另外,紐約大學史騰商學院特地通知迪恩斯美國留學專門家有關於此次的一般申請申請(Regular Decision),並無特殊例外,因此,第一輪申請(Around 1)還是一樣,2012年11月15日截止。請各位準美國留學生能特別注意這個事情。原信請見此訊息最下方。
提前錄取:ED(Early Decision)
提前行動:EA(Early Action)
提早通知:EN(Early Notification)
一般申請:RD(Regular Decision)
滾動式申請:Rolling Admission
Because of the widespread damage after Hurricane Sandy, many colleges and universities have extended their November 1 deadlines for Early Decision and Early Action. Here’s a list of the schools that have announced deadline extensions so far, and D&S Education Consultancy just listed some universities for Taiwanese student’s reference. Keep in mind that many of these schools only offer the extension to applicants directly affected by the storm and we recommend that you contact the admissions office if you need to submit your application late.
Flexible Deadlines for Those Affected by Sandy:
Dartmouth College: Early Decision deadline is flexible, but must get the permission first
Harvard University: Flexible in Early Action deadlines
MIT: Flexible in Early Action deadlines
Washington University: Early Decision deadline is flexible for those affected by Sandy
Sunday, November 4:
Duke University: Early Decision
University of Virginia: Early Action
Monday, November 5:
Bentley University: Early Decision and Early Action
Boston University: Early Decision
College of William & Mary: Early Decision and Spring Transfer
Columbia University: Early Decision
Cornell University: Early Decision
Emory University: Early Decision
Georgetown University: Early Action
RPI: The Early Decision; additional extensions will be announced as warranted
Stanford University: Restrictive Early Action
University of Georgia: Foundation Fellowship applications and supporting documents
UMass Amherst: Early Action
University of Vermont: Early and Spring Transfer
Yale University: Single-Choice Early Action
Tuesday, November 6:
University of Pennsylvania: Early Decision; Financial Aid must be submitted by Nov. 15 in order to be evaluated for a package at Early Decision time.
Wellesley College: Early Decision
Wednesday, November 7:
Brown University: Early Decision
Northwestern University: Early Decision
Tufts University: Early Decision
Thursday, November 8:
Beloit College: Early Decision
Fordham University: Early Action
SMU: Early Action
University of Rochester: Early Decision
Villanova University: Early Action
Friday, November 9:
Marist College: Early Decision
University of Chicago: Early Action (All materials due by 5pm)
Thursday, November 15:
Lawrence University: Early Decision
****** 以下為紐約大學史騰商學院來信 ******
Greetings from NYU Stern,
As many of you know, Hurricane Sandy greatly impacted New York City and most of the East Coast, including NYU Stern. We are happy to report that Stern has reopened for classes and activities, and that the MBA Admissions Office has resumed its regular hours.
We wanted to provide an update on our November 15th Full-time MBA application deadline. The deadline will remain November 15th. However, we are providing a grace period for those applicants who have experienced difficulties in working on their application due to Hurricane Sandy. Therefore, applicants who submit a completed application by Monday, November 26th will still receive their initial notification by February 15th, as well as receive priority consideration for merit scholarships and off-site interviews.
Finally, while things are returning to normal for NYU Stern, we are aware that the recovery process has just begun for many. We hope that those of you affected by Hurricane Sandy have remained safe.
Best regards,
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[電子郵件: 資訊保密與內部流程資料,恕刪除]
Assistant Dean,
MBA Admissions and Financial Aid