Figure on Front
Illustration on Back
$1.00 - One dollar
George Washington
Great Seal of US
$2.00 - two dollars
Thomas Jefferson
Declaration of Independence
$5.00 - five dollars
Abraham Lincoln
Lincoln Memorial
$10.00 - ten dollars
Alexander Hamilton
US Treasury Building
$20.00 - twenty dollars
Andrew Jackson
White House
$50.00 - fifty dollars
Ulysses S. Grant
US Capitol Building
$100.00 - hundred dollars
Benjamin Franklin
Independence Hall
* 所有紙幣均呈綠色,面額雖然不同,大小卻一致。
* 美國人通常不帶很多現金在身上,而且有些店不收百元大鈔
* 錢的另一名稱為bucks,一塊錢是a buck,20塊錢叫做20 bucks。
* 兩塊錢的紙幣十分少見。