王同學拿下Lancaster University的£3,000獎學金,
折合台幣20萬的獎學金!! 齊賀~~~
Dear Mr. S Wang
I am pleased to inform you that the Admissions Committee has decided to offer you a £3,000.00 scholarship, in the form of a fee waiver, for the MSc in Money, Banking and Finance. If you decide to accept the scholarship and reserve your place on the programme please ensure that your deposit and firm acceptance form reaches us by Friday 14th March 2008.
Please do not hesitate to contact me should you require any further information.
Yours faithfully
---- 迪恩斯每年都順利替VIP會員們, 拿到總數價值數百萬台幣的獎學金!!
幸運不會從天下掉下來, 要付出相當的努力!! 我們專業的顧問團隊, 認真的幫助每一位學生, 就是希望看到您最佳的申請結果!!
希望下一位幸運得主將會是您, 心動不如行動, 趕快加入迪恩斯!!
TEL: 02-8771-9141