Study Tour to Work (STW)
Work Experience (WE)
Paid Work Experience (PWE)
Career Development Programme (CDP)
Sandwich Course
We have just been notified that there has been a change in the regulations governing visas for students on Work Placement programmes. It appears that students who are not passport holders of a European Union/European Economic Area country are no longer allowed to do an English language course plus an unpaid internship / paid programmes - they will not be granted a General Student Visa for such a programme. We are seeking clarification but until we can be sure we are suspending all Work Placement programmes for non-EU/EEA students until further notice.
NB: This applies to all UK English language schools, not just one school.
Study Tour to Work (STW)
Work Experience (WE)
Paid Work Experience (PWE)
Career Development Programme (CDP)
Sandwich Course
We have just been notified that there has been a change in the regulations governing visas for students on Work Placement programmes. It appears that students who are not passport holders of a European Union/European Economic Area country are no longer allowed to do an English language course plus an unpaid internship / paid programmes - they will not be granted a General Student Visa for such a programme. We are seeking clarification but until we can be sure we are suspending all Work Placement programmes for non-EU/EEA students until further notice.
NB: This applies to all UK English language schools, not just one school.