Royal Agriculture College(皇家農學院) 始建於1844年,1845年,英國維多利亞女王正式授予RAC特許權,與英國皇家音樂學院,英國皇家美術學院等齊名,是擁有世界卓越聲望的大學。
英國大學體制改革以後,RAC(皇家農學院) 等皇家院校轉為公立大學,逐漸對公眾開放。英國王室加大了支持力度:查理斯王子擔任名譽董事,多次參加RAC博士以及碩士畢業典禮,每三年到校主持學校發展會議;伊莉莎白女王先後在2002、2003和2005年到校慰問師生。
Royal Agriculture College(皇家農學院)是皇室背景下的高等教育機構,有嚴謹的教學制度,強大的師資隊伍,廣泛的社會資源網路,使學院在經歷了160年的風雨雨後,依然在延續著先輩們的意志為英國為世界做著貢獻。英國皇家農學院(Royal Agriculture College) 所教授的國際食品與農業經濟管理、國際土地與不動產管理、國際農業商務管理、馬業經濟管理、農場經濟管理等專業管理課程,在全球世界一直享有極高的聲譽。
英國皇家農學院(Royal Agriculture College) 的專業就是針對這種社會緊缺型行業所量身打造。學院所提供的應用型MBA,與一般國外大學所提供的學術型MBA相比,其最大的區別就在於應用型MBA所培養出來的管理者對於業務的上手與熟練速度,對於管理的針對性,對於操作的調配與協調性遠高於學術類MBA。
就讀英國皇家農學院(Royal Agriculture College) 的七大理由
1、學生資源豐富。在傳統的歐洲國家,皇室和貴族以及一些家境資產雄厚的大家族經常會將其子女派送到該校學 習經濟發展、商務管理、酒業、食品行業及不動產管理等相關專業,在中國對外開放和世界廣泛聯繫的今天,這些同學資源將讓英國留學學生終生受益。
4、英國的工作簽證。英國皇家農學院(Royal Agriculture College) 的碩士畢業生,畢業後可以在英國申請並獲得兩年的短期工作簽證。工作滿五年,換長期工作簽證,並可申請技術移民。
6、人人平等的競爭模式。RAC(Royal Agriculture College) 一直崇尚人生而平等的理念。不管學生來自世界發達或貧窮的國家,不管是否是皇室成員或是普通百姓,在這裏沒有等級歧視、沒有種族歧視、沒有殘障礙歧視。任何學生在學習、工作和生活中都有享有同等的競爭機會。學生須完成學校要求的各項作業考試等等才能准予畢業。在人人平等的環境裏,唯有勤奮才是競爭的唯一出路。
7、就讀環境優美。英國皇家農學院(Royal Agriculture College) 位於英格蘭格勞斯特郡的小鎮,Cirencester(塞潤斯特),是部分皇室成員的私人官邸、農場及莊園聚集的地方,經常舉辦貴族聚會活動:聯誼酒會,馬球比賽、高爾夫球、登山狩獵、馬術表演等等。同時,這也是英國各郡最昂貴的小鎮,緣於其早年建造小鎮使用的園林石材-黃石,故又被稱作 “黃石鎮”。哈裏-波特的幾個外景地和其中的一個大教堂是在這裏拍攝。小鎮安靜祥和,距離倫敦、劍橋等僅有1個小時的路程,是學者、富人樂於居住的地方。作為學生,在這裏亦靜亦動,靜可以安心求學,動可以參與社會活動,把握和創作社交機會。
英國皇家農學院(Royal Agriculture College)位於英格蘭格勞斯特郡的小鎮,Cirencester(塞潤斯特),是部分皇室成員的私人官邸、農場及莊園聚集的地方,經常舉辦貴族聚會活動:聯誼酒會,馬球比賽、高爾夫球、登山狩獵、馬術表演等等。同時,這也是英國各郡最昂貴的小鎮,緣於其早年建造小鎮使用的園林石材-黃石,故又被稱作 “黃石鎮”。哈裏-波特的幾個外景地和其中的一個大教堂是在這裏拍攝。小鎮安靜祥和,距離倫敦、劍橋等僅有1個小時的路程,是學者、富人樂於居住的地方。作為英國留學學生,在這裏亦靜亦動,靜可以安心求學,動可以參與社會活動,把握和創作社交機會。
The Library is the central information resource for students on all programmes. Extensive print collections of text books, reports, legislation and journals are complemented by an increasing body of electronic materials, web-based information and e-journals.
The Library's website is the gateway to many of these resources. Students will find a suite of fully-networked PCs, dedicated CD-ROM and catalogue terminals and network points for laptop plug-in, all adjacent to the Library materials needed for their study. All new students enjoy induction to these resources and have the benefit of specific training and tutorials throughout the year. Library staffs are always available to offer help when needed.
All students have access to our computer suites. Our Microsoft Windows-based computers run Microsoft Office Enterprise and teaching machines have specialist software like ArcGIS and PCHorse.
Some computer suites are used as open-access drop-in suites, with one 24-hour access room, while others are also used for formal teaching and research sessions at times. All suites have printing facilities available to students and colour printing is available through the DTP department. Students have access to the internet from all computers on campus and from those in their bedrooms.
We run a residential network for students on site. Students are able to bring their own laptops and use the network for research and internet access. The College has its own internet website, as well as an ever-increasing intranet, which is used to support student learning both full- and part-time. We have just invested in a new VLE environment where all teaching and learning resources are available online to staff and students so, wherever students are in the world, they can still access their coursework through the portal. Access to students email and College files are also available off campus.
A dedicated Skype room is being trialled this year to allow for communicating with family and friends without running up those costly phone charges, both nationally and internationally. We think it will be a winner!
* 21 meals a week (we are more than happy to cater for specific medical and religious requirements)
* Bed linen (students are more than welcome to bring their own and will need to provide their own towels)
* Regular servicing of rooms
* 24 hour security